It's time to put an end to street harassment towards women and girls. Don't Disrespect!
Seventy-five percent of girls and young women aged 12 to 21 across the country have experienced public sexual harassment from men and boys. Almost half of these girls have faced harassment in schools and colleges, and it also occurs in town centres and on public transport. One in three girls in the UK has received unwanted sexual attention, including being groped, stared at, catcalled, or intimidated in public areas.

Research conducted in local schools indicates that boys often engage in certain behaviours to impress their friends to show-off.
Sexual harassment has become an everyday reality for girls.
It restricts their freedom and negatively impacts their mental health, leaving them feeling uncomfortable, scared, intimidated, humiliated, or unsafe.
Don't Disrespect addresses the national issue of violence against women and girls, focusing on the problem of street harassment directed at girls and young women.
It encourages boys and men to take a stand against abuse and to speak up when they witness it. Boys can change the narrative by promoting respect and calling out harassment.
A powerful video has been created, and we encourage schools, the public and young people to share this video to raise awareness that street harassment is an issue and that it needs to stop.

You can find useful resources for education settings and support for parents & young people by visiting our Don't Disrespect Resources Page.
To keep up to date with services, training and events from the Kent & Medway Domestic & Sexual Abuse Partnership you can Sign up to the Kent and Medway Domestic Abuse Newsletter
Schools can also support the White Ribbon Campaign taking an organisational commitment to end violence against women and girls - White Ribbon